Fee Information

Fee Information

Legal fees for various types of cases vary greatly from case to case. If you are interested in hiring Ms. Shurling or her associate Christina Dixon Parnall to handle a direct appeal, a state PCR action, or a federal appeal, download the form provided.

Fill this form out completely and return to the address below. Our office will review this information and send you a fee quote as quickly as possible.

Prospective Client Information Sheet

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If you are interested in hiring Ms. Shurling or her associate Christina Dixon Parnall to defend you or a love one on pending criminal charges please provide us the following information and send it to the address below to receive a fee quote.

1. List all charges that have been brought
2. The name of the county in which the charges have been brought.
3. Whether the charges have been brought by state or federal authorities
4. The potential client's name, age, and prior record if any.

If you are interested in hiring Ms. Shurling concerning a personal injury case please call the office and make an appointment to discuss your case.

Thank you for considering hiring our firm.

Law Office of Tara Dawn Shurling, P.A.
3614 Landmark Drive, Suite D
Columbia, South Carolina 29205
Telephone: (803) 738-8622
Fax: (803) 738-1600

Copyright ©2007 by Tara Dawn Shurling, P.A. All rights reserved.

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